With the inhousecooking-service we dedicate ourselves to bring high-class gourmet kitchen with an appropriate decoration of the table and a discreet service to your house.

Nothing is nicer and more relaxing for the landlady and the landlord than to give the guests their undivided attention. The work of inhousecooking is to keep the private atmosphere and to underline the individuality of the host by an extraordinary composition of the menu.

We avail ourselves of a long-lasting experience in gastronomy and handpicked business partners and providers. Freshness and denomination of biological cultivation is what we require of the ingredients that we use. Svenja Gallé´s kitchen, the heart of inhousecooking, follows the school of high-class gourmet cooks such as Michel Bras, Heinz Winkler, Donna Hay und Alfons Schubeck. A kitchen that combines the regional originalities with a lot of culinary fantasy thus challenging with the high demand of gourmet kitchen. A festival of the senses you don’t want to miss.

You won’t find any references here, because the inhousecooking-team sees confidentiality as a high requirement – your privacy will remain private. We are true to our word.